Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sorry it's been so long!

Hey y'all! It's been like 2 months since my last blog! I was doing so good until then..., but wow things have pretty much been out of control! I just haven't been able to put all my thoughts in order but now I think I am ready. 
I'll get you caught up on a few things: 
1. Dad got sick and I felt like I needed and wanted to go home and help out for a while. I got to spend plenty of quality time with my parents (just them and me!) It was fun!. Praise God, my dad is ok...sometimes you have to get worse to get better. Even his cancer has disappeared! Can you believe it? It's a miracle! The doctor's did not want to believe it, but we know that God can and still heals! Please pray for his cancer doctor, maybe through this she can see the power of God. His cancer should not have been gone...but ....they couldn't find it...that's because it was gone! yipeee! (Boy how I missed my husband while I was gone!)
2. Dad got better, Mom hired a new worker, and I came home! We immediately, and I mean immediately left for Washington D.C. TJ and his chaplain brought a group of soldiers to visit the memorials and the capitol and just experience our country's capital. If you have never been to DC, I suggest that you go! It's much history! It gives you a whole new pride for our country that sometimes we tend to lose because we are embarrassed where this country is headed (and rightly so!) But just going to DC is one thing but going with 60 wounded soldiers who were wounded while fighting for our freedom, that's a whole 'notha experience. It's beyond words. On our second to last day there we visited Arlington cemetary. We went to the section that was for Iraq and Afghanistan only. These guys were visiting the graves of their buddies that fought along side of them. It's an experience beyond any other experience I have ever had. It literally changed my life. There were a few problems that we experienced on the trip but that's prolly just because we were with men and women who have, needless to say, a few issues! That's just putting it lightly! They have seen things that we will never have to see. We need to never forget what they have done for us! All in all a great, no fabulous trip!
3. Finally I make it back to Grovetown, GA. It's been pretty boring because all of a sudden there's not a whole lot to do. I have got to get a job! Not just because we need the money (which we do! I mean don't we all!), but I can't stand just sitting around. My house is spottless and it gets pretty boring! We are leaving for Louisiana on Friday and going to FL when we get back so I will get a job after FL. I don't think I want a career, just a job to keep me busy! Keep my mind busy!
4. The last thing I want to update everyone is .....babies! We are working on it! I having a procedure done tomorrow to hopefully get me preggers! Please pray that we will have a child and we will have that child in God's timing! If it is not God's timing please pray that I can be at peace with it all! I desperately want to be in God's will. I know He knows what is best for me and for Timothy James!

Well, other than that there isn't much going on in my life...we are still looking for a church so pray that we can find exactly the right place to get plugged in! I miss everyone and am looking forward to being with my friends and family again one day soon!

Amanda B. Hearndon

1 comment:

  1. You say you are coming to FL....could you possibly stop by Crestview....WE MISS YALL!!!!

    I'll be praying for the procedure that you are having done tomorrow. The Lord's timing is perfect...just remember that! Children are such a blessing, and a GREAT full time job too;-)

    ~katie fort
