Monday, January 26, 2009

Late night office marathons

Well today, for some reason, TJ decided to have an "Office" marathon. "The Office" is our all time favorite show and always brings us great joy and laughter. We have both laughed more today than we have in a long time. We haven't watched Season 1 in a very long time so it was like watching it for the first time all over again. For the first several months that we lived here in Grovetown, GA we did not have cable so all we ever watched was "The Office" (sometimes even very late into the night). I am reminded why I love it so much. I love it mainly because of all the awkward moments. Michael Scott never fails to say something obnoxious and inappropriate. The thing that I appreciate about that is that I too say very inappropriate things. My mom and TJ have to constantly remind me not to ask inappropriate questions of people and not to say things that would embarrass other people and for that matter, myself. I think this is why Michael Scott is my favorite character. I can truly relate to him. I also do not like confrontation with people that I work with so I will sometimes say and do whatever I can to get people to like me. 
I really need to work on that part of myself. I need to learn to stand up for myself. I do not need to care so much if someone doesn't like me or doesn't want to be my friend. For some reason I am so upset when I think someone doesn't like me. I wonder why that is? I need to do some soul searching and figure out why I care too much. I will get back to you on that one. This is a lot for me to think on so I will get to it. Plus I am totally distracted by "The Office" because  we are watching it as I am typing this. Well let me get to that thinking!
Amanda B. Hearndon

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